June Appeal 2020

As we all continue to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, our mission work has become that much more important, and the people we serve that much more vulnerable!

This month, we would like to highlight the mission work of Sister Margaret Lacson, M.M. who is still out in the field and in need of support both prayerful and financially. Sister Margaret is a native of the Philippines, but has been serving the women and children in Japan since 1993! She is the founder of Kalakasan Migrant Women’s Empowerment Center, this facility ministers to the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of female Filipina migrant workers in Japan. Many of these migrant workers are married to Japanese men.

“The Center’s activities fall into four categories,” Sister Margaret writes…

  1. “The first is Crisis Intervention. We are part of a national hotline called Yorisoi Hotline. Calls come from all over Japan from women in serious need of help.
  2. “The second category is follow-up care, social integration, and healing. Women who experienced violence from their partners are in a process of healing, claiming their original strength, and stabilizing their lives.
  3. “Thirdly, we engage in lobbying and networking. It is important to lobby for laws that will better the women’s lives.
  4. “Finally, we engage in food distribution. We receive rice from the northern part of the country to be given to single mothers or households that need assistance.


“The Center works to be self-sustaining through gifts from friends, the Maryknoll Sisters and other donors, and fundraisers.”



Sister Margaret working with migrant children.

Money is needed for rent, stipends, and activities fees. Donations are gratefully received and make a real difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children here.

It’s vital that ministries like Sister Margaret’s continue… as great a danger as the pandemic is, there is just as much danger that all the progress that had been made before it will be lost. Please work with us to make sure that doesn’t happen!


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