Christmas Appeal 2022

There is no better time than Christmas to reflect on God’s call to care for others, and help the Maryknoll Sisters bring the joy of Christmas to poor and orphaned children in Tanzania.

Many of these children lack families, homes, healthcare and basic needs. As the Maryknoll Sisters celebrate making God’s love visible as part of a One Earth Community, your generosity enables them to continue helping impoverished and marginalized communities around the world.

In Tanzania, Sister Felista Wanzagi, M.M. works with the Chanua Children’s Group, a group of 62 orphan children in the Mwanza Region. In addition to being without their parents, many of these children have AIDS or are HIV+, and have very few resources that they can turn to.


Sister Felista says, “We are working to help provide a better life for children who are living with HIV/AIDS, orphans and those in difficult situations. We help with school materials, getting access to health facilities, food, transportation and tuition. Our goal is to teach the children that all people, including them, are valued and have a place in the world.”

Sister Felista with one of the orphans from Chanua Group!

Sister Felista and her colleagues work closely with the schools the children are attending and with local community leaders to provide the children with extra education, physical and spiritual exercises and entertainment to help relieve the great stress they are under in their daily lives. Special attention is paid to the children’s medical conditions, their studies, and their lives with their families and in the community.

The Chanua Group helps them become more reliant on friends and community. This is necessary in a country where government help and support is in short supply.

YOUR DONATION will help 62 orphans have a chance for a great life!


Your support ensures that our Sisters can continue traveling to communities in need to advocate for the marginalized and oppressed just like the children Sister Felista works with, they could not survive without YOUR HELP and many would live their lives without ever seeing or knowing God’s love for them.

May God bless you for your caring, your prayers and your support, and may He grant you a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!

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